Partners For Change
Partners for Change is a new regional initiative from PCFC to help local Health Teams, and organizations, to meaningfully engage People With Lived Experience (PWLE) and family, to ensure that their voices are at the centre of healthcare improvement. We are building a team of PWLE who would like to become more involved and helping them to learn the skills needed to share their voices, as well helping build the confidence to empower them further.
We also work with Health teams and organizations to develop strategies for engaging PWLE and facilitate engagement events, from 1:1 feedback sessions all the way to full Experienced Based Co-Design. We will also ensure that those PWLE who are engaged are fully supported throughout the process.​
As part of this, we hold a monthly group called “Chat for Change” which is held on the first Friday of every month from 1530-1700 at the Community Health Hub, 287 Bayshore Drive, Midland.
This group is for people with lived experience to gather together and learn skills to become more involved in sharing their experiences in a fun and supportive environment with peers. Refreshments are provided. No sign up is necessary, however we do ask that if possible clients let us know if they plan to attend so we can make sure we have enough food and are aware of any allergies.