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Patient Oriented Research

On Thursday, June 6 after several months of helping with planning, Amber and Kayla (PCFC Staff) presented at the Waypoint Research Institute’s (WRI) Café Scientifique Event. This is a Patient Oriented Research knowledge sharing event that looked at ways of meaningfully engaging forensic patients as partners in research. Attendees ranged from PCFC to direct care staff, researchers, health leaders and patients. Amber and Kayla engaged participants in conversations about the importance of asking patients questions directly instead of making assumptions about their needs. This was followed by the sharing of consultation results that occurred with forensic patients earlier this year. The event was a huge success and it was fantastic having patients out and involved with research conversations as equal partners at the table.

Stay tuned as Kayla and Amber head to Montreal to speak alongside WRI team members at a conference about the success of this event.

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